#gw2 au
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lady-quen · 13 days ago
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Places this in the sea of "Trahearne survives" AUs. Presenting Trahearne Inmorte, resident seething Firstborn plant bonded to a frankenstein bug. Alternatively, Trahearne if he picked ferocity in the character creator.
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Anyway, finally posting about my version of the good ole Marshal, lovingly dubbed Crankhearne - aka Risen Lich Trahearne, revived immediately post-getting to know his sword too closely, courtesy of Morivitae, ( @commanderteag ) the Pact's pet Scion of Zhaitan. Having kept a dragon of dubious morals on a metaphorical leash, Trahy promptly gets UNO reversed. These two start toxic but get better over time, creating a fun contrast to the Commander of the verse, Aestus, who belongs to @mithosis.
Similarly to my own Commander, Mael, he keeps his condition as a lich secret from everyone aside from his closest circle. I swear I'm not collecting undead plants, the Zhaitan Scion Champion opportunity was just far too good to pass up. Have some more screenshots, and more (a lot more) lore ranting below the cut.
The very last thing the Pact Marshal expected when waging war against Zhaitan was to strike a bargain with Zhaitan's child. Information against his master and aid in cleansing Orr - in exchange for freedom once the Elder Dragon was slain. But, still, keeping a beast of that caliber on a leash proved a challenge, even when he could shapeshift more or less into mortal shape. After all, an ancient beast that subsisted on eating life force and grafting foreign body parts to itself did not take to Tyrian morals immediately. It wasn't a partnership by any means - a monster was a monster, but so was a promise. As long as the creature called "Morivitae" behaved, he could prove an asset against the other Dragons. A weapon. A wildcard. But then, awakened Mordremoth. The Maguuma disaster. His greatest failure, and, ultimately, his end. A final request for the Commander to take Caladbolg from his shaking hands and strike. But something within the Death Scion stirred at the sorrow. At the Commander's cries. An inkling of emotion, a faint flicker of something unfathomable. And gold eyes opened again. Welcome, O Champion of Shadow and Death. And now, the Marshal was on a leash of his own.
Trahearne went to the Domain of the Lost when he died, and time flowed differently there. So he spent "days" wandering and fighting the phantoms that took his name and face, just like the Commander. He met the Judge but there was no crisis in the Mists, so no offer to come back like during PoF, just gotta accept death but also have to process it first. Poor Trahearne was dissociated the whole time, thinking he was Mordremoth. He had to be given a second name to latch onto until he found his real one - and then he was ripped out of the Mists by Mori just before he could claim his rightful rest. Needless to say, waking back up a Risen of all things and cut off from the Dream did not do his mental health any favors.
"I don't remember my name but I was something horrible. You mustn't let me into the afterlife. I can't destroy it, too..." "You must find your name before you continue onward, wherever your final destination lies. If you fail, your soul will fade." "Good. I want to fade. I need to." "No, you must find the truth. That is the law of this place. Your spirit is noble, there is no malice in you. But there is suffering, and this isn't your final punishment." "I'm fading. I can't tell how - why - I can't move anymore. I need to... what am I..." "You are.. Inmorte, The Lost Wanderer. This name I give you now so you may continue. Hold onto it tightly and find your purpose. Your real name." "...I... I will."
Following his resurrection, he continues to lead the Pact as its Marshal, and is adamant on never using a mask nor mesmer illusions to cover his face - wearing his disfigurement openly in solidarity with all the other sylvari mutilated by Mordremoth's influence. There are questions as to why the Marshal was torn from the Dream and his glow changed to a necromantic green, but not many dare seek the truth of their own accord. Trahearne becomes a much more fearsome, decisive leader - going from scholar to truly formidable strategic mastermind, wanting nothing more than to ensure the tragedy of Maguuma never repeats.
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"It's not mere confidence, it's pathological. As though everything stopped mattering back in that jungle, and yet I am ever more determined to see things through til the end. It's the only reason I can justify existing in this state."
The only instance where he does use illusions (excluding stealth missions, of course) is over his hands - due to an unfortunate incident where Caladbolg completely burned off the flesh from his fingers. As a result, his real hands are skeletal. This is due to his obsession with the sword, practically never letting it go, to the point he once fell asleep holding it. Since he no longer feels pain correctly, the damage was done before he woke back up - and Mori does not seem to possess the ability to mend, only animate that which should already be dead.
Trahearne's obsession with Caladbolg stems from the fact he initially believes the weapon to be the only thing keeping his soul from being fully corrupted by the Dragon he is bound to - clinging to a hope that the Thorn could purify the death magic in him just like it had once purified Orr. Alas, that is not the case, but also he eventually finds he is not as doomed as he had once believed - growing into a Champion of Death and Rebirth under his Scion patron as they both find their greater purpose - a balance to Aestus and Aurene's light. Still, his destiny remains irrevocably tied to the very land that haunted his Dream and cursed him with a seemingly impossible task.
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"You're the First of the First, born in the garden of Eden and destined to purify a sunken hell risen from the depths on the other side of the sea. A task thought impossible, especially as your siblings begin to rise around you with destinies that seem more achievable. Compelled, you spend over twenty years studying the land of the walking dead, so much that the stench of it all is all but branded into your flesh. It's all you see when you sleep. The neverending expanse of bleak, gray-brown rock and twisting anemone and tide-torn ruins. Nothing living grows in Orr. It's all absolute desolation. There are none of your siblings there and you're so terribly lonely. ...In all your years, you never thought this could happen. With the Commander at your side and the son of Zhaitan mutinying against his father, Orr blooms again. The Artesian waters run clear, and life wanders slowly back into the land. It will take years, many more years than you'll be alive for, but the weight is lifted. You can leave. It's over. With hope in your heart, you feel like whatever comes next will only be easier. It's not. You die. And you rise. You never left Orr, because Orr never had the intention of leaving you."
Perhaps, just perhaps - one day, when the sunken kingdom heals completely, his soul will be allowed its due rest. Until then, he has some work to do.
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bhuerracus · 1 month ago
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working on my dadlock AU, where after IBS rytlock decides to focus on being a parent to his current kids. here is ryder!
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guildwarszeke · 5 months ago
human au of the elder dragons would be fucking wild. imagine the familial tension
bonus if they're all in a royal family
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grif-hawaiian-rolls · 4 months ago
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Twin blades alight with brilliant teal and blue magic, the guardian stood between the dragon and his enemies. He bared his teeth, looking for all the world like a dragon himself. "Take one step closer, and you're all fucking dead, got it?" Tucker snarled. "I'm not letting you anywhere near him!"
Living up to the name of a guardian
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mistfallengw2 · 12 days ago
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Sketch pages of "studies", featuring Vlast and Aurene
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mme-chouette · 25 days ago
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Fairy Caira
I one day had the urge to create a fairy version of my Sylvari Cairadin. Finally the piece is finished.
more under the cut~
Also there's this first unrendered version of her in doll clothes :3c
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I don't know why but to me she is specifically Barbie-sized so I also felt the need to give her exactly the kind of clothes a Barbie would wear.
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kheprriverse · 10 months ago
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Another Cedar (also a fairy) post for April's ko-fi rewards!
Not a specific fairy but tbh? might come back who knows.
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mordremrose · 3 months ago
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High Contrast
Sometimes you just have to draw your sylvari being sooooo flirty its insane okay trust me
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lady-quen · 3 days ago
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"...If he had a purpose for everything that remained of us, I will make a purpose for what remains of me."
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ilona-art · 25 days ago
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Random idea me and an RP friend of my came up with a few days/weeks ago. Basically modern AU versions of our characters, Enya and Kiró from my side, and Fanga the Asura from theirs.
Black and gold my beloved <333 Sponsored by ArenaNet
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bug-abortion · 1 month ago
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Soo-Won's Agony
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grif-hawaiian-rolls · 2 months ago
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I think he probably deserves one at this point.
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thebiscuiteternal · 4 months ago
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(many, many thanks to @nekoning for indulging my goofy idea)
"Stupid Qi-ge!"
For all its small squeakiness, Speaks With Lost Shadows' voice echoed around the massive chamber, even briefly drowning out the rippling of the pool that was one of its prominent features.
"If you had just said-!" he sobbed, tears making dark visible tracks as they matted his white fur to the dark skin underneath, "If you had just said-!" His attempts at getting the words out ended in a muffled howl as he buried his face into the collars of his former sect leader's robes.
Yue Qingyuan cradled the small cub that had once been Shen Jiu tight against his chest, his own heart swinging back and forth between sinking and hammering so fast that if he hadn't been a strong cultivator, it probably would have killed him already.
'Ah,' he thought. 'So this is what Lady Aurene meant.'
The goddess dragon had sent him a warning across their speaking bond just before sending her caretakers to escort him across the world between worlds to their home in Tyria.
-"You were honest with him once because you thought that was your last chance. If you are not honest with him now, then this will be."
"Is that-?"
"Not a threat," she clarified gently. "A fact. My hatch-mother and aunt are very adept at reading questions under questions, and they bring those concerns to me. He asks them frequently to check with me how you are doing; he speaks of you with regret. But I have seen many of the pathways that bringing you here could lead down, and all of the ones where you continue to hide the truth will end with him no longer asking those questions."-
A part of him had always been confused and hurt by the way that things had gone after Maiglu Ridge. Of course he had known that his past actions didn't deserve to be forgiven, but comparing the reactions of the spirit that had claimed his shidi's body to the reactions of his shidi's soul in this new one, he now understood-
What a mess.
Paws suddenly smacked against the sides of his face, squishing his cheeks between them and startling him out of the messy tangle of thoughts and emotions. Though they were decidedly bigger than those of a cat or dog, the pads and fur were thick enough that he was at no risk from the claws as he stared down into wide, determined black eyes.
"Qi-ge is very stupid," he agreed as he tilted his head to nuzzle soft fur, drawing a huff from the cub. "But he will do his best not to be anymore."
Shadows huffed again. "He better!" he snapped, then pulled back and blinked at him in realization. "Wait... Does that mean... does that mean you're staying here?"
"I spoke with my head disciple about the possibility. Even if it hadn't been this, I think he was aware that something would eventually keep me from ascending with the rest of the Qing generation, because he wasn't surprised at all. We've done all the advance work for him to take over my position if I don't return by the end of the month."
He gave a small chuckle. "Can't imagine my martial sisters and brothers will be happy about it, but considering..."
Considering they were happy to have you replaced.
Considering he still wears your face and your name like a festival costume.
"If your current family is amenable, then Qi-ge will never leave Xiao-Jiu behind again."
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mistfallengw2 · 3 months ago
Aurene & OCs Ask Game 💙
1. How does the Champion feel about Aurene? Do they consider her a daughter, a sister, a friend, a ward, a burden, just a dragon or something else?
2. What were the Champion's first thoughts and reaction when Aurene hatched? Did their opinion change over time?
3. Is there anything non-canon/unique about your Champion and Aurene? Powers, ways to communicate, transformations/brandings, etc
4. What are their thoughts on the prophecy surrounding Aurene? Do they feel like they had agency in it? Did they ever doubt it?
5. How did the Champion spend time with baby Aurene? Do they still spend time together once she's an adolescent/an Elder Dragon?
6. Did Aurene learn any quirk or habit from her Champion? Is her Champion aware of it? Did they try to correct her or was it intentional? Did they develop any habits during their time with her?
7. Other than her Champion and Caithe, is there anyone else bound to Aurene? What's special about their bond? What's their relationship with Aurene and the others like?
8. Are there others who are close to her? What's their relationship with her and her Champion? Does it impact canon?
9. Is there anyone Aurene dislikes? Why? Does she show it? Are they aware of it? What would have to happen for that to change?
10. How does your Champion feel about Aurene leaving? Do they believe they'll see her again?
("Champion" is meant as the one Aurene choses while she is still an egg, but they don't have to be the Commander and there can be more than one! List any co/alt/AU Champions in tags!)
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the-arcane-eye · 6 months ago
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➡ flea-bitten bastard | gladium by choice | shootist by profession
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